Easy Squeezy
As producers, we’re all searching for that something special - a quick and easy way to transform sounds beyond their original forms and push them to the next level. Some of us achieve that by using complex plugin FX chains, or even by routing audio through outboard equipment. Zqueezer is a brand new way to inject a unique flavour into your synths, bass lines and vocals.
Now, this is a difficult plugin to explain - and honestly, you’re probably better skipping the science and just taking Zqueezer for a test drive to experience the twisted squelchy goodness that it has to offer. With monophonic source audio, Zqueezer can function as a kind of “adaptive filter”, squashing the sound with an emphasis on harmonics and a type of formant-shifting effect. For more complex types of polyphonic material, Zqueezer mangles the overtones, resulting in a more complex network of partial tones and intermodulations. Sounds wild, right? It is!
For those who want to know more, here are the facts behind this mind-melting effect:
This is where Zqueezer shines, with this control assigned to select and isolate the flageolet overtones of the signal. As the dial is pushed up, increasingly fierce results are heard with squeezed frequencies that rise in pitch. As this parameter is increased you’ll hear individual overtones and at extreme values the pitch-shifting effect is similar to a band-pass filter but with far more complexity in the harmonics. Because the filter coefficients keep changing and are derived from the waveform of the sound itself, the filter constantly adapts to the audio.
Although seemingly simple, this control boosts the “brilliance” of the signal. It corrects amplitude at the output, which is useful for higher fraction values. Think of this control as amplitude correction or normalisation, as it’s very useful when balancing the source audio against the squeezed and squashed version of itself.
Dry / Wet
For creative purposes it’s useful to be able to mix the waveforms that Zqueezer creates with the original source audio. Use the dry / wet knob for this and conjure every kind of processing from subtle brightening, to full-on mangled and harmonically distorted strangulation.
With many included presets, it’s easy to find the perfect way to squeeze your audio. These factory options can be used on guitars, bass, drums, synths and vocals. The presets include everything from subtle transformations to full-on strangled mutations.
W. A. Production are real-life producers making creative plugins to help you achieve studio quality processing quickly and easily. Enjoy!
plugin likely will not work properly on older OS versions. If the demo
appears to work on your older system, this does not guarantee that the
full version will work properly. If you are unsure whether or not the
plugin will work on your system, please email info@waproduction.com.
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